AWS Warns Against Malvertising Targeting Users

Cybersecurity company Sentinel Labs has discovered a new malvertising campaign targeting AWS users. Sentinel Labs warns that cybercriminals have established a campaign on Google Ads programs that take users to a fake landing page to steal their credentials and other...

Why Network Security Is More Important Than Ever

Modern businesses rely on computers and the internet to perform their daily operations. An example is the use of emails, which is essential for client and internal communications. Companies also collect data from their customers and use that to perform their services....

Microsoft Edge Renders Using Adobe Acrobat

Adobe and Microsoft announced on Feb. 8, 2023, a collaboration to transform the PDF reading experience by bringing Acrobat to Edge. They aim to provide stronger security and improved performance through the new partnership. Microsoft Edge and Adobe AcrobatEdge is the...

Reddit Cybersecurity Incident

Reddit, a popular social news site, disclosed that it was hacked on Sunday night (pacific time). The company announced on February 9th in a posting that they first became aware of the incident that happened on February 5th. It refers to it as “sophisticated phishing”...

Search Engine Yandex Suffers Massive Leak

Russian search engine Yandex offers a slew of online services to replace Google, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, and Uber. However, a recent Yandex data leak contains nearly 50 gigabytes of data with leaked files, including information ranging from API (application...