ATC Blog
Companies Spending More On Tech Services Due To Remote Work
The Coupa Business Spend Index (BSI) has been volatile over the past several months as the pandemic shredded business confidence and sent budgets into a downward spiral. Some business spending has barely been touched at all, and has even increased. It's true that the...
Companies Spending More On Tech Services Due To Remote Work Posted by smbnetworksllc On August 19, 2020
The Coupa Business Spend Index (BSI) has been volatile over the past several months as the pandemic shredded business confidence and sent budgets into a downward spiral. Some business spending has barely been touched at all, and has even increased. It's true that the...
Corporate Internet Users Watch Out For Conti Ransomware
On a regular basis, we see headlines talking about how this or that company got hacked and X number of employee or customer logins got exposed. However, since those headlines happen in isolation, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. A trip to the Dark Web will...
Don’t Fall For Office 365 Zoom Notification Phishing Email
Do you use Microsoft Office 365? Do you also use Zoom? If so, be advised that there's a new phishing campaign designed with you specifically in mind, the goal of which is to ultimately make off with your Office 365 login credentials. Since the start of the global pandemic,...
Online Shoppers Are Seeing An Increase In Scams
Recently, the FBI issued an advisory warning about a sharp increase in the number of reported victims of online shopping scams. According to data compiled by the FTC, the last few months have seen more scam reports over the past few months than they've ever had reported....
Trickbot Adds New Trick Linux Malware Posted by smbnetworksllc On August 17, 2020
Trickbot is about as bad as they come in the world of malware. Originally a malware strain from the Windows ecosystem, security professionals have recently found samples of the code in the wild that prove that Trickbot has made the jump to the Linux world as well. One of...
This New Malware Added An Email Attachment Stealer
Emotet's massive botnet was dormant for several months, but on July 17th, 2020, it suddenly rumbled back to life. It started spewing out massive numbers of phishing emails aimed at installing Trickbot payloads on anyone unfortunate enough to open one of their poisoned...
New Netflix Payment Phishing Emails Appear Legitimate
Do you have a Netflix account? If so, you're certainly not alone. Since the start of the pandemic, the company has experienced unprecedented growth, and is now the video streaming service of choice for tens of millions. If you're one of those, be aware that an as yet...
Cisco Data Center Manager Software Users Should Patch Immediately
Do you use Cisco's Data Center Manager Software? If so, be advised that the company recently issued an advisory concerning a serious security flaw. The advisory reads, in part, as follows: "The vulnerability exists because different installations share a static encryption...
Meetup Website Has Patched Vulnerability Open To Hackers
Recently, security researchers at Checkmarx discovered a pair of serious vulnerabilities in the popular online meeting website Meetup. According to the researchers, a hacker could combine cross-site scripting (XSS) with cross-site request forgeries (CSRF) to gain admin...
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