ATC Blog
Carnival Cruise Lines Company Suffers Ransomware Attack
Carnival Cruise lines, reeling since the start of the global pandemic, has a new problem. Recently, the company disclosed that they were the victims of a ransomware attack. Carnival's disclosure was almost frighteningly uninformative. The company gave no clear indication...
Adobe Lightroom Update May Have Deleted Some User Photos
Recently, Adobe released version 5.4 of Lightroom. It is a popular photo editing app used by a wide range if iOS devices. Unfortunately, the update may have done more harm than good. Many iOS users who installed the update have discovered that their photos and custom...
Adobe Lightroom Update May Have Deleted Some User Photos
Share Recently, Adobe released version 5.4 of Lightroom. It is a popular photo editing app used by a wide range if iOS devices. Unfortunately, the update may have done more harm than good. Many iOS users who installed the update have discovered that their photos and custom...
Google Working To Help Warn Users Of Earthquakes
Unless you live within a couple hundred miles of the town of Sparta, NC, you may not be aware of the fact that recently, a 5.1 earthquake struck the area. It damaged a few homes and rumbles could be felt as far away as north Georgia and parts of Virginia. It is doubtful...
Garmin Experiences Ransomware Attack Causing Global Outage
Do you make use of a Garmin wearable device? If so, then you've probably noticed that your device isn't working the way you expect it to. That's because the company is experiencing what there are now describing as a global outage. The notification on the company's website...
Windows 10 Update Gives Graphics Cards Users More Control
Does your PC have more than one graphics card in it? If so, and you're a Windows 10 user, there's good news. Microsoft recently announced some coming changes to Windows 10 that will give users with multiple GPU's more control over how their cards are used when running...
Windows 10 Update Gives Graphics Cards Users More Control
Does your PC have more than one graphics card in it? If so, and you're a Windows 10 user, there's good news. Microsoft recently announced some coming changes to Windows 10 that will give users with multiple GPU's more control over how their cards are used when running...
Popular Adobe Programs Currently Have Many Security Issues
If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader or Lightroom installed on your computer, then you'll definitely want to grab and install the latest security patch from the company, which addresses a whopping twenty-six serious security vulnerabilities. Eleven of the issues addressed are...
Before Twitter Patch, Private Messages May Have Been Vulnerable
If you're a Twitter user, you should know that the company recently announced that they had addressed a serious security flaw that could have allowed hackers to gain direct access to Direct or Private Messages users sent via Twitter. If you seldom use that feature, then...
Enhanced Tracking Protection Rolling Out To Firefox Users
Cookies have been part of the internet experience since the early days of the web's history. Advertisers commonly use them to track users. Many users don't appreciate being tracked, and have made this known to the companies that make the most popular browsers in use today....
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