ATC Blog Multistep Phishing Campaign Multistep Phishing Campaign

One of the most common ways hackers manipulate online users is through malicious phishing campaigns. The popular travel reservation site is the latest company at the center of a targeted cyberattack. Learn more about the dangerous ways hackers infiltrated the...

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Benefits of Android 14 for Business Owners

Benefits of Android 14 for Business Owners

The latest version of Google's popular mobile operating system is here. From an upgraded battery life and security features to a favorable user experience, Google's Android 14 release is creating lots of buzz across the globe.  Android devices now have greater capabilities...

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Microsoft Teams Update

Microsoft Teams Update

Are you among the many business owners using Microsoft Teams in your day-to-day operations? A brand-new Microsoft Teams update is now available with plenty of new features that improve the popular chat program. Discover what this update entails and how it can benefit every...

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How the MOVEit Data Breach Impacts Businesses

How the MOVEit Data Breach Impacts Businesses

The extensive data breach surrounding the MOVEit file transfer program is a substantial exploitation of a zero-day vulnerability. The cyberattack presents dangers for businesses and government agencies across the globe and emphasizes the importance of data security. Here...

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Improve Your Team’s Skills and Performance

Improve Your Team’s Skills and Performance

Successful business leaders constantly move their companies forward by keeping employees driven and productive. So, how can you improve your team's skills and performance as you look to the future? Below are some helpful tips for making your employees feel valued while...

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The Small Business Cyber Crisis

Urgent And Critical Protections Every Business Must Have In Place NOW To Protect Their Bank Accounts, Client Data, Confidential Information And Reputation From The Tsunami Of Cybercrime.

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