ATC Blog

Nvidia Gets In The CPU Game With ARM Purchase

If you're more than a casual gamer, you're probably already quite familiar with Nvidia, one of the industry's leaders when it comes to graphics cards. Recently, the company announced a massive $40 billion deal that should push the tech giant to new heights. Nvidia has been...

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Chrome Update Will Block Resource Intensive Ads

Are you a regular Chrome user? If so, you've got yet another reason to love the most popular browser in the world. Recently, Google announced the pending rollout of another new feature designed to minimize the use of your CPU's resources. The coming update will evaluate...

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Latest Windows 10 Update Fixes SSD Defrag Issue

Do you have a solid- state drive (SSD)? If so, you're probably aware that recent builds of Windows 10 have introduced an unexpected issue. It causes the automatic maintenance feature of the OS to kick in and defragment SSDs much more frequently than they should be, which...

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