ATC Blog
Simple Tips For Securing Smart Device Data
Data security isn't something that's at the forefront of most people's minds, but it probably should be. These days, we use far more than just our trusty laptops and desktops to do real, meaningful work. Most people have a plethora of devices they tap into on a regular...
Voicemail Phishing Attacks Called Vishing Are On The Rise
While "vishing" is by no means a new threat, it's not something that has ever happened with sufficient frequency to get most people's attention. So, if you haven't heard the term before, you're not alone. "Vishing" is short for voicemail phishing, and it is apparently on...
Researchers Find New CPU Security Vulnerability
Remember the Heartbleed scare we had a couple of years back? It was a nasty side-channel attack that was somewhat exotic and difficult to pull off, and it was absolutely devastating and sent shockwaves through the entire world. Well, it's back. In a way. While this new...
Some Requested Features May Be Coming To Microsoft Teams
Do you use Microsoft Teams? If so, you'll be thrilled to know that the Redmond Giant is continuing to pour resources into improving the software with a specific focus on audio and video quality. Recently, the company announced a plan to add echo cancellation, which is a...
You May Need To Replace Old Cisco VPN Routers
Do you own one or more of the following products made by Cisco? The RV110W Wireless-N VPN Firewall The RV130 VPN Router The RV130W Wireless-N Multifunction VPN Router The RV215W Wireless-N VPN Router If so, be advised that a new and critical security vulnerability has been...
Ransomware Hackers Have Set Their Sights On Exchange Servers
Microsoft Exchange servers are once more in the crosshairs of hackers around the world. Most recently, hacking groups have been specifically targeting them to deploy BlackCat ransomware. As is common among ransomware attacks, the hackers here first rifle through an...
The Surprising Ways Mobile Technology Impacts Our Lives
If you're not familiar with the term, a Zero Day exploit is a security flaw that the software vendor is not aware of and hasn't yet patched. In many (but not all) cases, Zero Day Vulnerabilities will also have publicly available proof-of-concept exploits before a patch...
How To Protect Your Company With Cybersecurity Awareness
These days, companies spend significant sums of money to protect themselves from cyber criminals. The threat matrix is vast, and attacks can come from almost any quarter. That is why many companies not only spend heavily on antivirus software, but also on a wide range of...
Hackers Are Teaming Up To Wreak Havoc On Corporate Users
It's never a good thing when well-organized groups of hackers start working together, but that's what appears to be happening. Recently, evidence has emerged that the Black Basta ransomware gang has begun tight-knit cooperation with the infamous QBot malware operation....
New Malware Uses Word Documents To Get On Your System
Researchers at HP have discovered a new malware loader that they've dubbed SVCReady. While new malware strains are common, this one is distinct for a couple of different reasons. Like many malicious programs, this spreads primarily via phishing email campaigns. One way...
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