ATC Blog

IoT Security With Microsoft Defender

The Internet of Things (IoT) has seen explosive growth in recent years. If you like, you can now build your own smart home with intelligent toasters, washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators. They are all connected to your home network, and they all make vast...

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New Tools Available With Kali Linux 2022.3

Do you have the Kali Linux distribution running on one of the machines you own?  If you're not sure what that is, then you almost certainly don't.  Kali is a Linux distro used mostly by "ethical hackers" who use it mainly to perform security audits, cybersecurity research,...

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Prepare For Windows Server 2012 End Of Support

Another week, another Microsoft "End of Life" reminder to write about. This time, it's Windows Server 2012 R2.  If you're a user, then you're probably already aware of the looming deadline. If you've blocked it out of your mind, or if you've missed the notifications that...

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Google Experiences International Outage

Just Google it."  You've probably heard that phrase a thousand times.  In fact, you may use it yourself on a regular basis. Unfortunately, Googling it wasn't possible recently.  The iconic search giant went dark across broad swaths of the world and simply could not be...

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