ATC Blog

The Benefits of Implementing a CRM Solution

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software allows marketing teams to manage customer interactions better, track customer relationships, and monitor customer activity. It also will enable businesses to collect detailed profiles of their customers, allowing companies to...

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Lastest LastPass Security Incident

According to LastPass CEO Karim Toubba, the password manager has been hacked once again. A data breach occurred in the development environment only a few months ago, prompting LastPass to announce they had experienced a security breach on August 25, 2022. LastPass...

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How AI is Transforming Businesses

While artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as a new phenomenon in mainstream society, it is not a new concept. As AI technologies increase, AI is becoming increasingly important for companies looking to stay competitive. What is AI Artificial intelligence is a broad term...

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Scammers Impersonating Refund Payment Portals

The FBI warns about scammers pretending to be refund payment gateways from financial institutions to steal sensitive information from unsuspecting victims. The federal law enforcement agency stated that scammers deceive victims into granting them access to their computers...

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Phishing-as-a-Service on the Rise with Caffeine

Threat actors may now launch their own sophisticated assaults thanks to the emergence of Phishing as a Service (PhaaS) platforms like "Caffeine." Through an open registration procedure, anyone who wishes to launch their phishing campaign can sign up on these platforms....

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The Small Business Cyber Crisis

Urgent And Critical Protections Every Business Must Have In Place NOW To Protect Their Bank Accounts, Client Data, Confidential Information And Reputation From The Tsunami Of Cybercrime.

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