ATC Blog

Microsoft Exchange Server Antivirus Exclusions

The Microsoft Exchange Server is an e-mail server developed exclusively for Windows OS users. It also offers collaboration functions like scheduling and calendaring. One of the Exchange Server's biggest draws is its high availability features. These features ensure that...

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Dish Network Cyberattack

Dish Network confirmed that the network outage it is currently experiencing is due to acybersecurity breach. This outage also affected its internal communications systems. The breach occurred on Feb. 23 and disconnected Dish’s websites and apps. The network’s call centers...

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News Corp Cyberattack

News Corporation (News Corp) has disclosed more information about the 2022 cyberattack against the major publishing conglomerate. News Corp revealed that the cybercriminals had access to its systems two years ago, starting in Feb. 2020. News Corp recently sent notification...

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Password Mask Attacks

Having a password for online accounts is not enough protection. Hackers and cybercriminals have found a way to crack passwords and hijack emails, bank accounts, social media pages, and other digital real estate. Through password mass attacks, cyber threat actors no longer...

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Hatch Bank Falls Victim to Data Breach

Hatch Bank confirmed a data breach that compromised its customers' personal data. The financial technology firm said hackers found a vulnerability in its internal file-transfer software. This allowed the hackers to access and steal around 140,000 customer names and social...

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Maintain Customer Trust By Scaling Up IT Systems

Every business owner knows that forming a strong relationship with customers is essential to succeed. And two important elements of this relationship are positive customer experience and customer trust. Having these will help you bring in new customers and repeat or loyal customers.

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Chick-fil-A Confirms Credential Stuffing Attack

Credential stuffing is one of the many forms of cyberattacks on the rise. It’s a low-risk, low-cost automated method. It uses bots to access username-password combinations from past data breaches. It then uses that information to exfiltrate data from a new target system. It relies on people’s habit of reusing the same login credential across various sites.

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Ransomware Attack on Dole

Ransomware Attack on Dole

Ransomware is a threat businesses cannot afford to ignore. Such a cyberattack often blocks user access to systems until the perpetrator receives ransom. A recent cautionary tale is a ransomware attack on Dole Food Company. Dole reported on Feb. 22 a cybersecurity incident...

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