If you handle, process or store credit cards in any manner, you are required to comply with PCI DSS, or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. This is a set of LEGAL requirements you must abide by to maintain a secure environment. If you violate them, you will incur serious fines and fees.

Even if you don’t process many credit cards, you’re subject to these laws, and thinking you don’t process enough to matter or that “no one would care” is 100% wrong.

All it takes is an employee writing down a credit card number in an e-mail for you to get caught and face penalties and fines.

Getting compliant – or finding out if you ARE compliant – isn’t a simple matter I can outline in a 1-2-3-step checklist. It requires an assessment of your specific environment and how you handle credit card information.

If you’d like our assistance, give us a call to review how you are processing, handling and storing credit cards – the quick assessment is free to you!

Have questions about cyber security or some other IT-related issues? Access our calendar here to book a quick, 15-minute call.


P.S. If someone forwarded this to you, you can subscribe to these tips here:  Weekly Cybersecurity Tips

Dedicated to your security,


Calendar link for a 15 minute call with Kamran 

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